Trilogy of Afghanistan

Create: Sun, 10/09/2005 - 00:00
Author: MFH

The international film distribution company Wild Bunch intends to distribute the feature films Kandahar by Mohsen Makhmalbaf, AT Five in the Afternoon by Samira Makhmalbaf and Stray Dogs by Marziyeh Meshkiny entitled as the Trilogy of Afghanistan through Arte Television and also as a DVD package.

These trilogies cover three eras of Afghan people’s lives during the Taliban ruling, immediately after the American invasion and two years after.
Vincent Maraval the president of company Wild Bunch states that these films reveal a comprehensive picture of the sufferings, dreams and complex socio-political and humanistic angles of Afghan life.

These three films are among the 7 that Makhmalbaf Film House has produced about Afghanistan. Other films include: The Cyclist (1989) and Afghan Alphabet (2001) by Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Joy of Madness (2003) by Hana Makhmalbaf and September the 11th (2002) by Samira Makhmalbaf.
Throughout the 100 year history of cinema and until the American invasion Afghanistan holds only 40 short films in its cinematic portfolio. After September the 11th and the establishment of the new government in Afghanistan two Afghan directors Sediq Barmak and Atiq Rahim have added two feature films tilted Osama and Ashes and Dust to this collection.